so randomly i found this goodbye video that i never posted, so what the hey let's post it :)
Service at BWC
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010

I'm disappointed I haven't got to write in the last weeks but I guess that's a statement in itself of how busy I have been.
I moved to Maseru to do Ruhi Book 5 (in the Faith we have Ruhi books that focus on teaching classes and deepening in the Faith that everyone is encourage to go through with a tutor). 5 is the book on Junior Youth Groups I finished with about 30 Baha'i Youth from different parts of Lesotho. It was a wonderful ending experience to meet with the Baha'is from different areas because I ran into a lot of familiar faces from my traveling. The actual book was very difficult. The English words were quite sophisticated and having English as a second language, I spent most of my time trying to help translate words. They struggled but I was very impressed by the willingness to move forward and ask about confusing concepts everyday. There was also much time for dancing and I performed poetry and was inspired by others who shared their passions!
Their were some struggles with structure. I was volunteered to be time-keeper which now that I think about it, would have been better suited for someone who wasn't usually on time to help them than someone who is on time because I had to constantly chase after people to get back to class. I tried to be playful about it and compared myself to a werewolf who walked around normal and then turned into a predator chasing people around. A lot of Baha'is were new to the Faith and we found a struggle of helping them balance the actions accepted in their cultures with the new laws that they must rise to as members of the Faith. We had some serious talks about HIV and AIDs which is infecting 24% of their population (and thats just known of who has been tested)
I want to highlight that being a member of a Faith group is no easy task. I love the fact that Baha'u'llah points out in many writings that the more spiritual you become the more tests you go through. You can imagine that the more conscious of self and the world around you that you become, the harder it is to cope with the vain or simple desires that take over the average person's life span. In the physical sense, I like to use the gets harder to breath as you get closer to heaven. Having a balance of humility to my fellow man and detachment from earthly desires is something that I putting much prayer and effort toward, so if you wish to pray for me, that would be my request.
I got a lot closer to Julia, Mpholokeng, and old friends that were around. Got to say bye to everyone, including my Me Lihlahleng and Kamachee- who made us a DELICIOUS homemade dinner, complete with spring rolls. Moloantoa was able to visit although not as much as he had hoped. It was the King's birthday and he had to go to another district but we spent some great time together when we could and I will miss him a lot. I have complete confidence that I will keep in contact with the people that have made me feel so loved and welcomed and I'm hoping to at least have a trip back in 2012. They said they're holding me to that!
Hmm what else? I got to go to South Africa and visit a game park, which was one of my goals. I pet a baby lion and giraffe and had a wonderful experience. The ticket for my friend K.R. to safari was 600 rand which is way over budget. It was only 250 if we had our own car, the extra fee was to use one of their tour guides. So I said no K.R., we have to find another way. So in true Andrea initiative fashion, I stood at the registration center and waited for cars that I might be able to ask if we could ride with. Most people brought their children and I felt uncomfortable asking those families. After sometime a couple from Chile came. I went up to the window and showed my ticket trying to explain that we didn't have our own car. The husband didn't speak any English and the wife spoke a little. She showed us their tickets and I said no, I'm not collecting just asking. I turned to K.R. midway and said I don't think they understand. As soon as I turned back the wife want to get in with us?? Yes!! Ok!! she said. I was SO EXCITED. They were the perfect people to go with also, they were really into the animals and getting nice photos. The husband kept calling us "las amigas". They had asked us where we were from and got our emails. Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus came on the radio and she said- my daughter loves this song would you sing it? and proceeded to video tape us half knowing the words to party in the USA to show their daughter at home. I can't express how lovely and confirming of an experience it was to be with them and the friendliness through different cultures "The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens" I also got to go to a small club with some friends from the South African Baha'i Centre (beautiful place) and all around had a wonderful trip, I was cutting up that dance floor...get ready Molly McCormick!
So I spend my last week going to South Africa for those experiences (also ran into a Bahai for DC visiting for World Cup!) and then when I returned I...lost my passport TYPICAL. I spent the next few days at US Embassy trying to get a new and bring the requirements and etc. When I finally got it figured out, that night a friend suggested to go to the taxi rank for the taxi I was riding in. We went and found my passport!! (I had taken other measures already like police report, radio announcement). First thing the next morning I called the Embassy but they had already canceled it so that was money out of the pocket, but at least I got the old one back. The woman showed a lot of concern as it was the 3rd time over the years that I lost my passport, and I am a US citizen...which is a really big deal. You know I'm trying to find a balance between being detached from material things (i'm really good at that part, everything is replaceable in life...except people) and being responsible for my things...hmm yea working on that. On that note I realized that the only things I'm really attached to are the prayer book my grandmother gave me, some way to contact fam/friends, and my teddy bear.
I gave away a lot of stuff on my way home. The trouble I had was that I would give away things and other youth would come and ask what are you going to give me to remember you by? There was still this feeling that I'm this wealthy girl. Comparatively I can say maybe it is a bit true, but I have money because I save it and try not to spend too much on silly things. I was satisfied to give away things I thought were useful or didn't really need and wish everyone well. Overall I really felt loved and supported with my energy and talents that I tried to give forth to the Faith.
Now the next step is the trouble. I know coming back to US and DC is going to be tough. I'm not cut out for the concrete jungle and I really love the small town life in Lesotho. I don't know what the next step is. I believe I have to talk to my family about the possibility of returning to Africa for longer or moving to the West Coast where it is more environmentally friendly and less crowded. I am considering Portland Oregon and somewhere around LA (i know that def wont be less crowded) but as I'm searching for peace I really want to give my poetry a strong effort. I have written a lot in Africa and the responses I have gotten are very encouraging. Any advice on the next step is definitely welcome.
Thank you for love, support, and prayers. Thank you for following along with me on my journey of spiritual and personal growth in Africa and be assured that I will forever be serving. As I once said: "Most people have jobs with service in between; I think I have service with periods of job!"
"if we never stop when we wave goodbye, we just might find, if we give it time, we'll wave hello again, we just might wave hello again!" john mayer- wheel
with open arms and open heart,
spread hope,
Andrea hope
good fruits
The kids in TY and staff gave me a nice farewell with a water bottle and card. I felt appreciated and wish I could have had more time with them. It worked out pretty well as it was the end of the school year. They had a magician hypnotizing people, which was pretty interesting. I dunno how I feel about magic, not being to many shows but its entertaining.
So I moved to Mohoale's Hoek and lived in a small, two room house with a Baha'i couple and their two young kids. It was a wonderful experience for me to see a healthy Baha'i married couple and it really gave me hope for what I will one day attain. Without getting to deep into it, my family has a history of strong and independent women to the point that family life is something that I struggle to have trust in. Living in the small space with the kids was a little weird as far as privacy, but good for my heart to wake up to smiling and noisy faces. Reminded me of my nieces and nephews.
It was very cold and the people were not keen on going out so the first week was a bit dry but the next week things got better. We went out to teach, I helped with a few children's classes, did some dancing, devotionals, and helped host the first feast. We concentrated on getting to know each other and what we know about the Faith, as the community is very new.
We watched to World Cup a bit. The Vuvuzelas were blowing even in Lesotho. I really enjoyed Argentina's team and I was torn during the USA/Ghana game. I wanted to vote for Ghana because it was the only African team with a chance to make it to the next round, but found it hard to go against US. In the end I'm glad Ghana won, there was much excitement over the Cup and football in general so there was a good vibe around.
I kept up with Bible readings and Baha'i writings and found confirmation in the Faith. You know I think although I haven't finish the Bible, I am steadfast to being Baha'i. Jesus says that He is going to send a Comforter, and that if He doesn't leave the Comforter would not come, so I believe even Jesus confirmed that their would be guidance beyond him. "For if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come; he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment" John 16:7 and confirms that He is not God as some may believe "If ye loved me ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father; for my Father greater than I." You know Jesus talks about knowing a tree by its fruits and when I think of all the things Baha'u'llah and His followers went through to promote unity and equality, I can't imagine that a tree with such polished and shining fruits could come from any other source.You know the things I love about the Faith are our sense of community, the fact that I could go across the world to people I have never known and have complete trust in them, knowing they have the same ideals and plan as me is a wonderful and amazing feeling!
"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inside they are ravening wolves...a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth forth not good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." Matthew 7:15
with open arms and open heart,
spread hope,
Andrea Hope
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